
If it didn't come from us, it definitely isn't true.

Our bank details have not changed! Please do not accept any instructions from anyone with claims that Online Innovations’ bank details have changed. This information is completely false and we assure you that our bank details are still the same. As always, Bronwen and Dirk are available to assist with any queries you may have regarding your account. Please contact us at any time on 041 365 4919 or at [email protected].

Thank you for your continued support.

16 July 2011

Benefitting from a Content Management System (CMS)

Here is all you need to know about a CMS.

What are Static and Dynamic Websites?

Static websites

By static, we mean that the pictures and content are created at design time and they remain that way. Static websites are generally cheaper than dynamic websites and are satisfactory over the short-term if the content of the website is very stable and doesn't change that much.

Dynamic Websites

By dynamic, we mean that the content of the site is derived from a dynamic source, like a database that resides on the web server. The content that resides in the database is updated as frequently as desired. In this scenario, the website’s content would be managed over the internet using a standard web browser to add, edit, and delete records. Visitors see the updated information immediately.

The Benefits of Content Management Systems 

A website is an information resource. Organisations often tend to overlook the importance of having a current informative website by implementing simple and inexpensive static websites. 

The best long-term solution is to utilise a Content Management System (CMS). The benefits of implementing a content management system are:

  • Faster turnaround time for new pages and changes;
  • Greater consistency;
  • Improved site navigation;
  • Increased site flexibility;
  • Support for decentralised authoring,
  • Increased security;
  • Reduced duplication of information;
  • Greater capacity for growth;
  • Reduced site maintenance costs.
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