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2017 Blog Articles

Invest in Social Media Advertising today
04 December 2017 Top 6 Reasons to Invest in Social Media Advertising today

With 16 million South Africans being on Facebook, followed by 8 million on Twitter, 6.1 million on LinkedIn and 3.8 million on Instagram, social media certainly has the numbers you need to reach members of your target market. Read on for more reasons why you should invest resources into running social media advertising campaigns for your business.

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Benefits of Blogging for your Business
14 November 2017 Top 5 Benefits of Blogging for your Business

Many business owners recognise the importance of having an online presence, but may not necessarily see the value in investing time, money and energy into having their own business blog. If you’re also not yet sold on the idea, here are five reasons why you should seriously consider blogging for your business.

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Top Tips to Handle Your Online Business Queries
02 October 2017 How to Handle Your Online Business Queries

In today’s digital, fast-paced society, businesses are confronted with more queries than ever before and more channels by which to field these queries. Here are five best practices to ensure that you handle your online queries in the best possible way.

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14 June 2017 Importance of Mobile in 2017

To ensure your brand and business is being steered in the right direction one needs to be aware of the pressure technology is placing on brands. People expect to be informed, educated and entertained. Expectation levels are higher than ever before.

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05 May 2017 Why Small Businesses Need Online Advertising

Are you a small business finding it difficult to compete with larger companies, as your marketing budget is seen to be more limited than theirs? Fortunately, you now have a chance thanks to online advertising, as it allows you to better position and compete alongside larger companies without blowing your budget!

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Outsource Social Media Management
03 April 2017 Should I Outsource my Social Media Management?

With social media playing a very important role in a brand’s online success, companies have started to take notice and are asking themselves whether they need to outsource their social media management.

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Facebook Marketing Solutions
15 March 2017 Do I need a website if I already have a Facebook Page?

Many of you might be asking yourselves the same question on why do you need a website when a Facebook Page is for free? And yes, social media particularly Facebook offers business owners phenomenal opportunities to interact with new and existing customers, but is a Facebook Page really enough?

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Beware of SEO Scams
06 March 2017 Beware of SEO Scams

While SEO consultants can provide clients with valuable services, some unethical SEO consultants have given the industry a bad name through their aggressive marketing efforts and unrealistic claims to try and win over clients.

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