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PORTFOLIO > News and Entertainment

News and Entertainment

Ricochet Publishing

Ricochet Publishing is a private company based in Port Elizabeth and also publish Business Link magazine, Kids Connection, Wedding and Function magazine and Home Food and Travel magazine, as well as the news website – RNEWS and retail website Bargain Buys.

FA News

FANews is a national financial news website aimed at brokers, CEOs, CFOs and anyone who works in the world of finance. 

FANews not only posts related articles on the website daily they also send out newsletters to a host of people in finance. The website has news on insurance, healthcare, life, retirement and investments; and you can also browse through the abundant list of available jobs in the industry. 

Online Innovations were responsible for the design and development of this website. 

Bargain Buys

Bargain Buys is an online retail service provider which promotes discounted activities, accommodation, holidays, gift vouchers and much more at very affordable prices.

Online Innovations were responsible for the design and development of this website.

Home Food and Travel

Home Food and Travel magazine was established in 2002 and has grown to become a household brand in the Eastern Cape. The brand has now expanded to the border Garden Route and the East Rand.

Online Innovations takes pride in designing and developing this website.

Wedding and Function

Wedding and Function is one of the most comprehensive websites for all South African wedding requirements offering you a complete wedding directory to make planning your big day easy and fun.

Online Innovations were responsible for the design and development of this website.

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