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31 October 2014 by Zoe Harrington

Benefits of Upgrading and Redesigning your Website

Take a look at how a website redesign can mean great news for your business.

Is it time to upgrade your website? There are millions upon millions of websites on the world-wide-web – of which a large percentage of them are outdated. Usually, it’s recommended that you change your website’s look and feel every 3 years; but our busy lives tend to get in the way and before you know it, your website is 8 years old and in need of an overall upgrade.

Many things change over the years, including trends. In recent years, content has become king – meaning that the importance of having fruitful content and including keywords, meta titles, meta descriptions and image tags are extremely important for search engine optimisation (SEO).

Here are just three (albeit three that play huge roles) of the many great benefits of upgrading and redesigning your website


Improves Functionality and Speed 

The functionality and speed of your website are both crucial to your users’ experience. If your website’s landing page loads very slowly, the chances are quite high that your visitor will get impatient and leave. Everything is about being quick and easy these days – and by upgrading your website, it will increase the speed of it too; potentially resulting in many more satisfied visitors who can navigate around your website fast.

Functionality-wise, you’ll reap the benefits. These days, an astounding percentage of people access the internet via their smart phones, laptops and tablets. By redesigning your website, developers are able to make sure that your website is responsive on all devices so that all visitors get the experience that you want them to have. While this is being developed, web developers will also ensure that your newly designed website is compatible in all browsers such as Chrome, Safari and Firefox. 

Search Engines get to Know you Better 

As mentioned before, content is king – and search engines very much agree. If you want your website to be seen on the first page of Google, you’re going to have to up the ante on your content as well as the overall look and feel of your website. Once your website is trendy, filled with information the visitors want to know and written for SEO, Google will rank you in a much higher position; even more so if your website is updated regularly, such as blog posts or news articles. It is imperative that search engines know of your existence if you wish to be seen ahead of your competitors.

Another way to rank really well is to invest in the Google app, My Business. This allows you to add your business to Google so that you can be found by customers on the search engine, maps and even Google+. Customers even get to see your office hours and contact details very easily in the search results. 

Great for Impressions

First impressions always count, but you also want your website to have a lasting impression on your visitors so that they keep coming back. Besides the fact that visitors to your site won’t be put off by a slow and very outdated website with pixelated images, redesigning the look and feel of your website will also make your business look more professional. If your website is modern and very visual, people will be more willing to navigate through the site for longer. Another way to get your visitors to keep coming back is to keep on updating your blog or news articles – it’s not such a great impression if your last post was from a year or two ago. 

How Online Innovations can Help you

At Online Innovations, our services will get your website where you want it to be. Need to redesign your website’s look and feel? Let us design it for you – at the same time we can develop it so that it’s responsive on all devices and compatible with all browsers too! While we’re doing this for you, we can also rewrite or generate content for you for SEO so that your newly designed website can rank higher than before. We can also set your website up with Google’s My Business app, which, as mentioned above, has some fantastic benefits!

If you simply don’t have the time to host your own website and make necessary changes and updates to it, such as loading blog posts and images, we can do that for you as well. For a monthly retainer fee, we can host your website and even create and manage your social media accounts and profiles.

All in all, upgrading your website is a wise decision for your brand and it will benefit you and your company tremendously.

Benefits of Upgrading and Redesigning your Website - casestudy.jpg

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