
If it didn't come from us, it definitely isn't true.

Our bank details have not changed! Please do not accept any instructions from anyone with claims that Online Innovations’ bank details have changed. This information is completely false and we assure you that our bank details are still the same. As always, Bronwen and Dirk are available to assist with any queries you may have regarding your account. Please contact us at any time on 041 365 4919 or at [email protected].

Thank you for your continued support.

Blog Articles

12 November 2018 5 Top Tips for Writing Website Content Your Visitors Will Love

Aside from website design, website content is one of the most important elements to get right before launching a website.

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19 September 2018 15 Simple Tips to Spring Clean Your Social Media Pages

Spring has sprung and it’s as good a time as any to freshen up your social media pages.

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21 August 2018 Is Email Marketing Still Relevant in 2018?

With the introduction of numerous new marketing mediums in recent years, business owners the world over are wondering whether it's still worthwhile to invest in email marketing.

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17 July 2018 New Social Media Features to Increase Your Business Exposure and Engagement

Because social networking sites are always working on ways to improve user experience, they often release exciting new features which in turn give businesses an extra avenue to reach and engage with their customers online. Here are five new features to experiment with.

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05 June 2018 7 Questions to Ask When Partnering with Social Media Influencers

Influencers are those individuals who have significant influence over their sizeable social media follower base. Here are seven questions you should ask when deciding whether or not to partner with them.

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08 May 2018 10 Things to Consider When Setting Up an E-Commerce Website

Hungry for a slice of the e-commerce pie? Expand your business operations into the online space by keeping these 10 things in mind.

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12 April 2018 What to Consider When Choosing Your Web Host

In addition to providing the server space and technical support needed to ensure that your website is visible online; a great web host can give appropriate advice and recommendations based on the website you have in mind. To assist you in making the correct choice, here are five factors to consider when choosing your web host.

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20 February 2018 The Importance of Cohesive Branding for Your Business

Today’s consumers are flooded with countless messages from different brands across multiple communication platforms. In order to stand out from the crowd, and most importantly your competitors, it’s not only important to have a strong brand, but also to adopt a cohesive approach to your branding.

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