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24 November 2014 by Zoe Harrington

The Power of Words

The Power of Words
Find out why content is so important for your website.

Many of us have heard sayings such as “the pen is mightier than the sword” and “content is king” – today these phrases ring true more than ever, especially in the online world.

Having only an attractively designed website just won’t do anymore. These days, if you want to be seen ahead of your competitors, you’re going to have to realise the power of words and use them. Not only does content serve an obvious purpose such as giving your visitors information about your company, but it will get you ranked higher in the search engines. Once relevant and good quality content is added to your website, you will reap the benefits.

Don’t have the time to do your own content? No worries; Online Innovations has you covered in that department too. But first, let’s take a look at why having quality content on your website is so important. 

Why is Website Content so Important? 

The most important thing you need to know is that the search engines cannot see images and design – they can only see content. When writing your website content for search engines to pick up and rank you, you need to remember two things: keywords and relevance.

To make your website search engine friendly so that it will get ranked higher, you need to have content that includes keywords in the right context and that is relevant to your headings, URLs and even the names of your images - this is why we have alt tags. Alt tags work in a similar way as meta titles and descriptions, but are used mainly because search engines cannot see images. Give your images alt tags and the search engines will take notice of you straight away.

It goes without saying that all content on a website should be of good quality, informative and interesting. You want to keep your visitor enticed and you want them to navigate around easily while finding out more about your company. A great way to keep your visitors and potential customers coming back to your website is to update the content regularly. This can be in the form of blog articles, news articles or even updated image galleries; which essentially shows your customers that you’re a busy company who enjoys updating and informing the public on topics relating to your brand or industry. 

How can Online Innovations Help you?

As we mentioned in the beginning of this article, if you don’t have the time or skill to pay close attention to the quality of your content, let alone update it regularly, Online Innovations can write your content for you.

At Online Innovations, we will meet with you about your website and what content you would like to see on it. From there, we will interview you and begin compiling and generating the content. We want you to rank better than your competition on search engines such as Google, so our use of the right keywords in the right context, as well as the use of metas and alt tags, will ensure that once you and the development team are ready to take the website live, it will already be search engine friendly. Should you have an existing website with content that you wish to change for SEO, we can do that for you too.

Creating articles or news articles to post regularly can be time-consuming, especially when you have a business to run. We can generate these articles for you and even upload them to your website for; so that you can carry on running your business while simultaneously reaping the benefits of quality content.

Go ahead and give us a call if you’re interested in our SEO services.

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