
If it didn't come from us, it definitely isn't true.

Our bank details have not changed! Please do not accept any instructions from anyone with claims that Online Innovations’ bank details have changed. This information is completely false and we assure you that our bank details are still the same. As always, Bronwen and Dirk are available to assist with any queries you may have regarding your account. Please contact us at any time on 041 365 4919 or at [email protected].

Thank you for your continued support.

13 June 2011

Benefitting from Social Media Sites and Networks

How to make the most of online social platforms.

Love it or hate it, social media forms a huge part of modern day life and it is here to stay. In fact, it is continue to expand more and more each year. 

Getting Closer to the Consumer

It’s predicted that there will be more than 500 million active users on social networks by the end of 2011. These active users comprise of your prospects, your partners, your customers and also (very importantly) your competitors. Social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+ etc. offer businesses the opportunity to get closer to consumers. This way, they can better adapt their marketing and business services by engaging in conversations with the consumers and monitor what consumers are saying about them.

Raise Visibility

Companies can increase credibility and visibility as the expert in their field by posting relevant information.

Targeted Advertising 

Companies can target specific psychographics, demographics and techno graphics for a minimal cost.

Get Noticed by Google Quickly

The prominent social networks are indexed regularly and thoroughly by Google.

No Cost Marketing 

Social networking sites are absolutely FREE to use and you will end up with more traffic, more paying clients and more subscribers with regular activity. 

What our Customers say